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Hofner 455 model "Moehrendorf" (1950-51)
 En 1949 Hofner continuó la produccion tras la guerra, y este fue uno de los primeros modelos. Todavía se utilizaba el modo de construccion antiguo para el cuerpo, con los aros pegados sobre el binding. Un proceso artesanal muy costoso que desaparecio en 1952, son muchas las diferencias con los siguientes instrumentos.

 Solo se construyeron con estas caracteristicas durante dos años y la produccion fue muy pequeña. Es sumamente raro encontrar una guitarra como esta en tan buen estado.

 El laminado de arce y caoba solo tiene dos capas, una menos que en los siguientes años, esto hace que sea mas sonora y sensible a la vibracion.

  El diapasón es de madera de peral, en esos años en Alemania el palosanto era muy caro para usarlo en estos modelos y se cambió por madera de peral. La separacion entre las cuerdas es mayor y se toca mas facilmente. El clavijero no es original.

  El barniz original ha sido fijado con una nueva capa de barniz, y conserva el brillo del sunburst original en tres tonos.

Tiene numerosos golpecitos  y rayaduras, pero ninguna raja ni reparacion importante.

 Los trastes de bronce son originales reacondicionados, y permiten tocar comodamente con una altura de cuerdas muy baja y sin trasteos ni zumbidos.
 Ha sido completamente revisada, se encuentra en muy buen estado y totalmente operativa!


Esta guitarra ha sido autenticada y fechada por la pagina oficial de Hofner vintage.

"When Hofner re-commenced production in Moehrendorf, Bavaria after WW2 in 1949, the 456 was one of the archtop models offered. A very similar archtop had been produced with that model designation before the onset of the war when Hofner were based at Schoenbach in Bohemia.The 456 was intended to be Hofner's mid-range archtop, utilising nicely flamed maple for the body back & sides, with a maple top. A good standard of ornamentation was used on the guitar, with binding/multi-purfling around body top & back edges and soundholes, with the rosewood neck also bound. Pearloid strips were used for the fretmarkers, and on all but the very earliest guitars, a pearloid/tortoishell/pearloid celluloid fascia covered the front of the headstock.There can be problems differentiating between the 455, 456, and 457 models, particularly as Hofner seems to have continually revised the detail cosmetics of these models over the years. The main basic difference between the 456 and the slightly later 457 is that the 456 had a maple body top and the 457 had a spruce top. Both the 455 and the 456 had maple tops, but the ornamentation on the 456 was of a higher standard than the 455. For example, the 455 was not provided with binding to the neck initially, though later examples (after the demise of the 456) did gain this feature.Initially the 456 was only supplied in brown sunburst finish. Later, a natural blonde finish was available, and some examples even have a red-burst finish.As with the rest of the Hofner range, the 456 was available from c1954 with the option of factory fitted electrics.The 456 disappeared from the range in 1962, by which stage the 457 model would seem to have taken over as Hofner's principle mid-range archtop."

Hofner 455 model "Moehrendorf" (1950-51)

650,00 €Precio
  • "Esta guitarra ha sido autenticada y fechada por la pagina oficial de Hofner vintage .

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